SMART Managed Security Service Features

Firewall Services

Your firewall is the first line of defence in protecting your network traffic and the flow of sensitive data from risk and malware. Our firewall solutions are managed by a team of security experts and utilise the best-of-breed technology to stop potential threats from accessing your data. We have both on-premises and cloud-hosted solutions available and manage all installations, updates, bug fixes and configurations for you.

Secure Remote Access

Business is changing the way it operates with more reliance on contractors, freelancers and temporary employees, who all need access to your network and business information. This opens you up to threats. With our remote access solutions that include our secure VPN Portal and SSL publishing services, we can maximise security levels by authenticating the user’s network credentials and permissions to the network. We also offer two-factor authentication services which is the safest method for securing business networks and data. In this case, access can only be granted via a dual login, which adds an extra layer of protection.

Managed Endpoint Security

Businesses need to protect their data, especially in the world of cloud computing where many employees are making use of private sync-and-share platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, Media Fire etc. This opens up your business network to potential threats and can expose your data. Our team works hard to secure all your business devices (smartphones, tablets, and notebooks) with our managed endpoint security services to stop viruses, ransomware and malware before they enter your business network.

Managed Internet Access

Our team will help you manage your internet connections and assist you in defining content-filtering rules to block inappropriate content and decrease business risk. This is done by restricting certain sites, like social media platforms and Youtube, as well as keeping track of downloaded content. We provide you with monthly reports on what content users are accessing and highlight problems or issues.

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